盲人網球Blind Tennis (視障Visually Impaired)



識別標章:視障 (綠色狗狗標章)




Name: Blind Tennis

Certification: Visually Impaired(Green Dog Mark)


A sponge ball with batteries is used. The ball beeps when it hits a racquet or the ground, and also rattles subtly so that the players know where it is in the air. The blind tennis ball is larger than a standard tennis ball, and junior tennis racquets are used. The game rules are generally the same, the mainly difference being that the ball can bounce a maximum of two times before needing to be played back to the opposition. To begin, players are led by their coaches around and along the sidelines to familiarize themselves with the court. In some cases, players will wear eye covers as players have varying degrees of visual impairment.
Blind tennis was invented by Mr. Miyoshi Takei from Japan. There are currently several international competitions which are held in a variety of countries, such as the U.S.A and Japan. Blind tennis is promoted by “Justplay” in Taiwan and is currently just a play activity/recreational sport as no formal competition currently exists.


1.Story Of Blind Tennis (影片來源:https://youtu.be/Ji1JCp3iY6c)

2.Ear on the Ball: Blind Kids Play Tennis (影片來源:https://youtu.be/Cxr9bVRka9A)

3.Blind Tennis: Womens singles final 2010 (影片來源:https://youtu.be/6ZELzVCvaHI)