便利商店 Convenient Store (視障Visually Impaired、自閉Autism)


品牌:Sega toys

識別標章:盲導犬マーク、視障 (綠色狗狗標章)、自閉症(藍色貓咪標章)




Name: Anpanman Convenient Store
Brand: Sega toys
Made in Japan

Certification: Visually Impaired(Guide Dog Mark), Visually Impaired(Green Dog Mark), Autism(Blue Cat Mark)


As there are over 4,000 convenience stores in Taiwan, this toy replicates a convenience stores products and registers, allowing visually impaired individuals to familiarize themselves with the processes associated with convenience stores. This toy teaches life skills that can be later applied to real convenience stores and general shopping outlets.
Visually Impaired people rely on touching and hearing to know the progress and consequence, even it is just simple and daily things. The life cognitive game can present the whole progress of an incident, instruct impressions like real size and shape. Children can practice the procedures of using vending machine or experience the “accident” scenario by playing toys. Through the experiences of playing, children learn how to handle with the accidents, lower their anxiety to real life and build up their ability of self-care.